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On the Issues:

Marriage and Family

I believe in the Biblical and traditional view of marriage, between one man and one woman, as defined by God. This is the most stable form of family planning. Government endorsement is not what makes a marriage holy, and the government is encroaching on individual liberties by trying to regulate relationships.  


Genesis 2:18-24, Ephesians 5:22-33: W.Y. Const, Article 21§ 25

I will unapologetically fight to protect the life of every member of the human race, born and unborn, from the moment of conception to natural death. I will fight to encourage family values and healthy population growth.


I do not believe in ending a life because of practical inconvenience. Instead, I will find solutions for the problems that hinder people from having families, addressing the crimes of rape and incest, and making sure that Wyoming is a great place to live for generations to come. 

W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 2

Pro-life Defender

Unleash Wyoming Energy

Wyoming is the powerhouse of the United States. We generate 14 times more electricity than we use and power the states around us. I believe that it is time to unleash the full potential of Wyoming's energy production. This includes our core legacy industries of coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal. All of these sources can amplify our electric production as we power the nation for generations to come. 

W.Y. Const, Article 15§ 3

Protecting the First Amendment

The first amendment has been challenged on all fronts simultaneously. In the last few years, we have seen assaults on the right to assemble, the right to freely practice your religion, and the right to speak freely without being silenced.


I am wholly dedicated to protecting our God-given rights from tyrannical government in the modern age of autocratic tendencies. Our freedoms are an exception in history and require a constant defense. 

U.S. Const, Amend. 1; W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 18, 20, Article 6 § 1, Article 21 § 25

The Right to bear arms shall not be infringed

The right to bear arms is the quintessential right that ensures the rest. When the people are disarmed by their governments, they are reduced from participants to subjects. We see this throughout history- people who are forcibly disarmed have humiliating injustices inflicted upon them. I will fight diligently in our legislature on your behalf to protect our most precious of liberties. 

U.S. Const, Amend 2; W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 24

The responsible use of water

W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 31, Article 8 § 1

We are already experiencing the realities of water shortages in our great state. I am dedicated to protecting our most precious resource and making sure that we allocate its use responsibly.


Wyoming straddles the Continental Divide and provides the headwaters for four major river basins in the western United States, the Missouri-Mississippi, Green-Colorado, Snake-Columbia, and the Great Salt Lake. We will not be bullied by our neighboring states for what is ours, and we can find innovative solutions to water problems. 

You can make your own medical decisions.

In the last few years, the government has infringed upon the sovereignty of the individual by forcing uncorroborated medical practices and experimental vaccines on people who do not consent. This is a blatant example of government overreach.


I promise to fight for you against an increasingly draconian government. This includes fighting unreasonable mandates, granting access to life-saving medicines, and promoting the development of medical infrastructure throughout our state using new technologies. 

W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 38, Article 7 § 20

I will not support a state income tax

Wyoming has one of the largest governments per capita in the nation. With our current spending habits, we are on the road to a state income tax. I will not support a state income tax.

I am an advocate of fiscal responsibility, and I believe that it is both negligent and dangerous to create a government that is unable to reasonably address its own needs. We cannot leave a big government for our children. Thus, Wyoming will spend responsibly and within her means. I will fight against wasteful spending at every opportunity. 

W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 28

Educating for the future

Our constitution ensures that Wyoming citizens enjoy access to quality education. Our education system has left behind our children, our parents, and our teachers. I will fight to create more opportunities for Wyoming residents, including affordable charter schools, access to quality internet for online learning, and continued educational opportunities for adults.


Our educational system should be designed to create completely functional, productive, and enthusiastic members of our society. Instead of teaching to pass a test, our students should be learning how to live. I do not believe that higher education should be confined to Laramie, and would push for bachelor's and master's programs in the community colleges throughout the state. 

W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 23, Article 7 § 1

Criminal Justice Reform

The 9th Amendment and Article 1, Section 36 of the Wyoming Constitution are under attack, with unenumerated rights ignored and citizens and courts burdened by unnecessary legislative restrictions and fines. I'm committed to defending and restoring these rights.

I question the one-size-fits-all war on drugs approach. We should prioritize defending our communities against truly harmful substances. Laws need to be stringent against deadly drugs like fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin. Meanwhile, substances with proven medicinal or psychological benefits deserve reconsideration for fairer policies.

U.S. Const, Amend 9; W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 4, Article 1 § 15, Article 1 § 36

The Supremacy of the Constitution

I am unequivocally, unapologetically, and uncompromisingly dedicated to preserving the Constitutions of our United States and the State of Wyoming.
We exist in the greatest civilization in the history of mankind, and it is up to us to protect its foundations. We have too much to lose by wavering in our foundational principles. 

U.S. Const, Article 6; W.Y. Const, Article 1§ 37, Article 10 § 5, Article 21 § 24

I agree with the Wyoming Republican Party Platform in its entirety. 


A Next-Generation Republican

I am dedicated to preserving our constitutional republic and fighting for conservative Wyoming values that make our state the best place to live in the Nation. It is up to patriots who love their country to take a stand and defend their homes. 


Now is the time to stand up and unify our state, our party, and our country.


I am here to give a Fresh, Bold, and Optimistic voice to our government.


I am dedicated to serving you. 

Daniel J. Singh for
Wyoming House District 61


Daniel J. Singh

-For Wyoming House

District 61-

Fresh. Bold. Optimistic.

Paid for by Singh for Wyoming

Singh for Wyoming

P.O. Box 22106

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003


(307) 274-3909

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