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Fresh. Bold. Optimistic. 

Bringing out
the best of

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Re-elect Daniel J. Singh for House District 61


Dedicated to Serving the People of Wyoming

Hello, I am Representative Daniel Singh, serving House District 61 in the Wyoming House of Representatives.


I'm a constitutional conservative and I believe that for our system of government to work there must be people who are willing to stand up and fight for what they believe in.  


As a young, second-generation American, I recognize what a privilege it is to live in this state, the greatest state in the nation. I promise to fight for Wyoming and every one of her citizens.


I am here to be a part of the team of freedom-loving Republicans dedicated to preserving our way of life and representing you in a professional manner. 

Wyoming, it is time to realize our potential!


We can achieve this by:

  • Unleashing Wyoming energy

  • Creating economic opportunity

  • Fighting for the 2nd Amendment

  • Protecting freedom of speech

  • And so much more.


I am here to do the work of a statesman and get the job done!


I am optimistic about our future and I know that if we work together, we can preserve a state that other states can look up to for generations to come.

Re-elect Daniel J. Singh for House District 61


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Daniel J. Singh

-For Wyoming House

District 61-

Fresh. Bold. Optimistic.

Paid for by Singh for Wyoming

Singh for Wyoming

P.O. Box 22106

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003


(307) 274-3909

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